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Purium is a lineup of weight loss products that’s intended to provide healthy nutrients for results. There’s a 10-day transformation kit offered as well as individual meal replacement shakes, probiotics, fiber blends, amino acid pills, and more.
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Purium`s Advanced Probiotic Blend is a potent, all-vegetarian blend of the most vital friendly bacteria available. We recommend supporting your body`s immune system by taking Purium`s Advanced Probiotic Blend in conjunction with any of our green foods. Supports healthy levels of good bacteria Aids in healthy digestion
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Weight Loss - PURIUM Categories All Things Purium, Education, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purium Nutrition, Research, Weight Loss Posted on January 28, 2019 January 28, 2019 Hemp Oil and Weight Loss Cannabidiol (CBD), aka "hemp oil" or "hemp extract," emerged as one of the biggest health trends in 2018 and s… Purium Review (UPDATE: 2019) | 10 Things You Need to Know According to the Purium website, most people lose from five up to 20 pounds during the Purium 10-day cleanse. Purium says that, in a 2013 study, participants lost an average of 11.3 pounds in those ten days. Out of more than a hundred product reviews, 67 users rated Purium with four stars or higher. However, a whole quarter of those reviews were the lowest, 1-star.